Call for papers
The Web of Things (WoT) envisions semantic interoperability by re-using well-accepted standards and technologies that have enabled the World Wide Web (WWW).
Unlike stack-oriented solutions (e.g., ZigBee), WoT proposes to achieve system interoperability at the application layer by abstracting from the sensing and communication technologies: in a rough approximation, Things are represented using Web technologies and interactions with Things are mapped to uniform RESTful concepts.
This workshop invites original research articles and review articles that focus on the Web of Things and interoperability challenges in IoT scenarios. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Interoperability in the Internet of Things
Semantic interoperability
Web of Things
Technologies for the Web of Things
Fog, edge, and cloud computing
5G integration
Semantic technologies
Discovery mechanisms
Quality of Service (QoS) for industrial scenarios
Methodologies for the Web of Things o Security and Privacy
Thing Description (TD) authoring tools and validation
Life cycle management
Workflows and best practices
Standardization aspects of the Web of Things
Interworking with other specifications and bodies
Real-word IoT/WoT systems and use cases
Industrial scenarios
Smart building scenarios
Smart city scenarios